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Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)

ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain, is a public research centre with a staff of around 120 persons in 6 research programs covering a wide range of environmental exposures (water, radiation and air pollution) and health effects (childhood health, cancer and respiratory diseases). Established in December 2005, ISGlobal has become an internationally known research centre in environmental epidemiology and among the largest groups in this field. ISGlobal was recently classified among the top research centres in Spain.

Role in the project

ISGlobal has responsibility for coordinating the External Exposure Assessment subproject that includes WP3 (Air) and WP4 (Water). In addition, ISGlobal contributes to WP1, WP2, WP9 and WP10.

Key persons to be involved

Name  Expertise Role in the project
Professor Manolis Kogevinas Occupational and
environmental epidemiology
Mother-child cohorts
Cancer cohorts
WP1, WP2, WP4, WP9
Dr Cristina Villanueva Epidemiologist on drinking water
contaminants and research on
DBPs and cancer
WP4, WP9
Professor  Mark Nieuwenhuijsen Environmental exposure assessment,
epidemiology, and health risk
impact assessment
WP1, WP3, WP4, WP9
Dr  Juan Ramon González Statistical analysis, genetics
Ms Gisela Sanmartín Communications responsible WP10