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The University of California, Berkeley

The University of California, Berkeley is the highest ranked public university in the U.S. and the 4th-ranked academic institution in the world (2011 Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities).  The excellence of the Berkeley faculty has produced a long history of innovative research and has motivated collaborations with investigators throughout the world.  Indeed, much of the current motivation to develop the exposome concept can be traced to the seminal work of Berkeley faculty members Stephen Rappaport and Martyn Smith. 

Role in the project

Professor Rappaport contributes to WP6, which will perform untargeted analysis of all adducts (adductomics) in selected samples of human serum albumin (HSA) from European populations exposed to different levels of air and water pollution.  Much of the effort will be devoted to assisting Kings College, London to apply Rappaport’s mass spectrometric methodology for characterizing HSA adductomes.  

Professor Smith contributes to WP10 which will integrate and disseminate the most relevant results from other WPs.  He works with IARC to: (a) reduce the uncertainty of risk assessment, (b) define risks due to air pollution and water contamination, (c) identify new risks from applications of untargeted omics to human biospecimens and (d) refine knowledge about the burden of particular diseases associated with selected exposures.

Key persons to be involved

Name  Expertise Role in the project
Professor Stephen M. Rappaport Exposure biology, measurement of
protein adducts, exposure assessment,
human metabolism of toxic chemicals,
and statistical models of human exposure
Collaborator in characterizing
blood protein adducts, transfer
methodology for adduct measurements,
supervisor of  high-resolution
mass spectrometry 
Professor Martyn T. Smith Causes of leukemia and lymphoma,
metabolism and toxicity of benzene,
applying ‘Omic’ technologies to develop
biomarkers of exposure, early effect and
susceptibility in humans
Coolaborator in exploiting the exposome
concept in improving methods for assessing
exposures to toxic chemicals
Dr He (Harry) Li Biochemistry, mass spectrometry of
protein adducts
High resolution mass spectrometry of
selected samples