EXPOsOMICS Stakeholders Final Meeting 28-29th March 2017, Bruxelles

The EXPOsOMICS Stakeholders’ Final Meeting was held over two days on the 28-29th March 2017, at the European Commission in Bruxelles. The meeting was opened by Dr. Arnd Hoeveler, Head of Unit and Tuomo Karjalainen, Research Programme Officer in the European Commission’s Directorate- General for Research and Innovation. They provided an overview of current ongoing activities and projects funded by the Commission including EXPOsOMICS, HELIX, HEALS, and HBM4EU. Dr. Hoeveler highlighted that the meeting was aimed at showcasing the scientific results and developments of EXPOsOMICS while at the same time, developing priorities and sharpening ideas for the next phase of human exposome research funding.
The meeting was chaired by Prof. Paolo Vineis, EXPOsOMICS’ Project Coordinator and Principal Investigator, from Imperial College London, who summarised the overall project accomplishments before opening the floor to the project’s European Partners who presented their individual research contributions. Click here for a detailed programme of the meeting.
By Dr. Michelle Turner, Assistant Research Professor, ISGlobal Barcelona
and Michaela Dijmarescu, Project Coordinator, Imperial College London
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