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Maastricht University

Maastricht University is represented in the project by its Department of Toxicogenomics, which is chaired by Prof. Jos Kleinjans and is embedded within the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences which forms, with the Academic Hospital Maastricht, MUMC+ (Maastricht University Medical Centre).

The focus on research at the UM Department of Toxicogenomics is on genetic toxicology and chemical carcinogenesis, with an emphasis on toxicogenomics. Work emphasizes on in vitro approaches, as well as on studying gene-environment interactions in human volunteers, in environmentally exposed groups and in patients. 

Role in the project

The Maastricht team coordinates the Internal exposome: omic approaches for developing novel biomarkers of exposure subproject, which includes WP5, WP6, WP7 and contributes to WP7 (Other omics), in particular with regard to mRNA and microRNA analysis, by applying Agilent technologies. The Maastricht team also contributes to WP8 (Data processing, integration and analysis).


Key persons to be involved

Name  Expertise Role in the project
Professor Jos Kleinjans Toxicogenomics Leader of subproject 3
(WP5, WP6, WP7)
Dr Joost van Delft Toxicogenomics and
Supervision of the data analyses
at UM in WP8
Dr Theo de Kok Toxicogenomics and
molecular epidemiology
Supervision of the practical mRNA
and miRNA analyses in WP7