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Institute of Biological Research and Biotechnology, National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF)

The National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) is one of the main national research centres in Greece. Its Institute of Biology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biotechnology (IBPCB) was declared a Centre of Excellence in the most recent nation-wide research evaluation. Its main purpose is the organisation, finance and support of high-level research projects in the humanities and the natural sciences.

The IBPCB team team has long-standing experience in the study of chemical carcinogenesis, the development of relevant biomarkers and their application in population studies. 

Role in the project

The NHRF team coordinates WP7 (Intermediate omics biomarkers) and have the responsibility for the global DNA methylation analysis. It also contributes to data analysis (WP8) and to Impact and Dissemination (WP10).

Key persons to be involved 

Name  Expertise Role in the project
Professor Soterios A Kyrtopoulos Genetic & environmental toxicology,
molecular epidemiology 
Leader of WP7; contributor
to WP8 and WP10
Dr Panagiotis Georgiadis Biomarker development,
analytical chemistry,
molecular epidemiology
WP7, WP8
Dr Aristotelis Chatziioannou Biostatistics, bioinformatics
Dr Maria Botsivali Exposure assessment, toxicology,
science dissemination
WP8, WP10
Ms Margarita Bekyrou Molecular biology
S Kaila Molecular biology WP7