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Ateknea Solutions Catalonia S.A. (ATEKNEA)

ATEKNEA brings together four research and innovation companies operating at a European level for over 15 years. The group will pool the expertise and know-how of more than 130 professionals working in Catalonia, Hungary, Malta and Poland. Ateknea aims to assist European SMEs in transforming their innovative ideas into real marketable products and services that are crucial for their success. By offering tailor-made services for innovation, such as technological development and coaching, Ateknea’s experts cover a wide range of engineering and scientific areas. Moreover, they have extensive experience in attracting and raising funds from both public institutions and private investors.

Role in the project

ATEKNEA is in charge of the hardware and telecommunication/software development of the personal exposure monitoring device in WP3. In addition using his SME role they will be in charge with the associated business case for its subsequent commercialisation.

Key persons to be involved

Name  Expertise Role in the project
Mr Mario Fernandez-Nieto Telecommunication Engineer Lead WP3 team

Mr Pancraç Villalonga

Specialist in telecommunications
and smart-phone applications

WP3 - smartphone communications 

Mr Albert Rodriguez

Specialist in telecommunications
and smart-phone applications

WP3 - smartphone communications 

Mr Albert Serrat Specialist in telecommunications
​and smart-phone applications
WP3 - smartphone communications
Mr Arturo Portugal Expert in sensors and instrumentation WP3 - hardware platform
Mr Antonio Llaverias Expert in sensors and instrumentation WP3 - hardware platform

Ms  Alicja Grzegorzek


financial management