'Association or causation in miasmas and mixtures: Current reflections on Bradford Hill's 1965 contribution to Public Health' Bradford Hill Workshop

On the 13-14th October 2016, a two day workshop was hosted by the Royal Society of Medicine to mark the Bradford Hill lecture on "Environment and Disease: Association or Causation?" 50th anniversary since it was presented at the Royal Society of Medicine in January 1965.
The event, titled "Associations or causation in miasmas and mixtures: current reflections on Bradford Hill's 1965 contribution to Public Health", had a strong line-up of renowned international speakers who discussed these issues with participants that included EU and national level risk assessment committees, policymakers, academics, and key stakeholder groups. Speaker included Abee Boyles, Elisabeth Cardis, Carl Cranor, David Gee, Philippe Grandjean, Lennart Hardell, Andreas Kortenkamp, Raymond Neutra, Richard Peto, Geof Rayner, Kenneth Rothman, Christina Ruden, Kurt Straif, Jan Vandenbroucke, Paolo Vineis and Tracey Woodruff.
The meeting was organised by the Epidemiology and Public Health section of RSM in partnership with Brunel University London, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Imperial College London. The workshop aims were to address the critical issues for public and environmental health raised in the Bradford Hill lecture and subsequent landmark paper, and, in light of today's knowledge about multi-causality and complexity, to critically re-assess his approache, and the use, misuse, and current utility of his 'viewpoints' in avoiding or minimising harm to public health and environments.
A series of videos from the workshop is available if you click here.
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